Love at first swipe: Our Facebook love story

by michgraune
1 comment

Internet and social media dominate the generation today. It takes most of our time; from checking our Facebook accounts for friends updates, check out recent photos on Instagram or watching instant videos of your friends on Snapchat. Although it gives a fair share amount of negativity which mostly unproductivity on a daily routine, but I had to admit, I gained something out of it by logging on Facebook.

As there are a lot of dating apps on the market today, my story is not far different from swiping left or right on Tinder. It is mainly swipe left or right on Facebook app 8 years ago, Are You Interested. Just like a poker game app on Facebook, this application uses the information you have provided on your profile and gives you easy access to view the person you wish to talk.

I remember signing to different social media website to connect with friends, starting from Friendster which I was left heartbroken, MySpace where you can put fancy templates and playlist songs and lastly to Facebook – a revolutionary social platform today! That being said, I can’t believe a single swipe ending up a monumental event in my life.

I used to be embarrassed when friends ask how my husband and I first met, I often times skip the part where I met him on Facebook. If I remember it correctly, his profile photo was just ordinary. It then sparks an excitement knowing his a traveler and adventurist just like me. We hit it off sending messages on Facebook and exchanged phone number while he’s working in my home country. I have decided to see him and to have a diving lesson, and the rest is history!

In a world where we are all driven by different social platforms and a frantic day consists of making a living and catching up errands, I wonder if people still experiencing real-life approach to dating. In all honesty, it takes a lot of courage of approaching people especially in public and engage in a guarded conversation. Men must have mastered the art of disappearing after the initial date, I didn’t fail to notice when I was single and dating in college. It was devastating!

As there may be a shortcut to get to know another gender, but it takes a lifetime to get to know that person after taking that leap of faith. Whether it may be a dating app or on social media, successful relationship demands a continuous commitment and both to be doing the legwork. It doesn’t come about by any luck, a coincidence or happens just because you wish it. Mutual respect and cooperation fuel strong affinity.

My husband, I met in January 2010, and it’s an unceasing work, up to this day. Our relationship has been tested throughout the years, and there are times that I want to give up, but our willingness to make it work won in the end. I’m glad that we were on the app,  or we would probably never met. Our story may not be your ordinary love story, but it sure is better than romantic Hollywood movies.


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1 comment

Safa sunshine February 21, 2018 - 5:04 am

Girl I am so happy for you, i know people don’t see social media love story as a great one but who cares what they say as long as you both are happy! a love story Is a love story nevertheless, I am so glad you both found each other?


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