5 ways to enjoy Nami Island

by michgraune

I can still remember that day, the air was crisp, and the sun was out. It didn’t rain for the entire week when we were in Seoul. Instead, we have witnessed the transition of the government; people mustered on the street loud enough to make a difference. To give you an idea, we were in Seoul in March 2017. A monumental event where former President Park Geun-Hye was on the brink of impeachment. So we thought of a place where we can escape from what was happening — fleeing the town to Nami Island.

Nami Island has been attracting countless visitors up to this day after it was featured in Winter Sonata, a Korean drama series. The primary filming location was the Metasequoia lane, is found in this tiny half-moon shaped island located in Chuncheon, South Korea. The name originated from General Nami, who died at 28 and have been falsely accused of treason in the 13th Century, by 7th King of the Joseon Dynasty.


There are numerous ways to travel to Nami Island. You can choose from Shuttle bus, subway, or by car. We booked our roundtrip through Nami Island Seoul Center in Insadong and offered a special discount if you are a foreigner. They have English speaking staff that is happy to assist you.



After an hour bus ride, we arrived in Gapyeong Wharf,  and we were given two options to get to the island. A 5-minute ride on a ferry or a zip-wire. Roundtrip ferry and entrance cost KRW 10,000/person for regular and KRW 8,000/per person for a foreigner. I would suggest taking zip-wire for it will give you a memorable experience by seeing the whole of the island. It cost KRW 38,000 / person include the entrance fee. Make sure to book ahead for zip-wire for they get easily overbooked.

Are you feeling adventurous? Try the zip-wire going to the island.

Boat Ferry takes 5 minutes


Although Nami Island is walkable, there’s plenty of ways to uncover its beauty. By bicycle, sky-bike, electric tour bus, UNICEF charity train, and electric tri-way. I would suggest renting a bicycle if you have a few hours to enjoy the island. Besides, biking is the most famous activity. You can quickly cover the entire island and ride the bicycle leisurely.

You can find the bike center at the center of the island.

Lazy pedaling? Electric tri-bike is the answer.

Sky-bike for the kids to enjoy


The island has five paths that you can unhurriedly enjoy the whole day. But I would suggest not to miss the Metasequoia Path where you will find the Winter Sonata statue, which makes the island famous to visitors. It’s the central location of the acclaimed Korean drama series, Winter Sonata starring Bae Yong-Joon and Choi Ji-woo.


This trip was a break out of the city; amidst the political situation and heavy pollution when we were in Seoul. We enjoyed the rich nature by walking near the lake and wandering through sequoia lined streets. Everything was perfect; from the weather, the crowd and the inclusiveness. It didn’t feel like we were in the way or being rushed anywhere. We were able to take our time and enjoy away from the bustle and hustle of the city.

I love walking near the lake.

There’s a different utopia just a stone away from Seoul.

Snowmen in different nationality costumes are greeting you after you arrive on the island.

Such a vast lined of trees to adore and get lost with nature.


Most of the people rushed going to Winter Sonata and looked for the trees. They miss out looking for other attraction on the island. We took our time strolling around by visiting some picturesque shops, had a decent lunch at the Nammoon Korean Restaurant, stop over in UNICEF Hall and cap off our activities with a hot cappuccino at Swing Cafe. There’s nothing more relaxing than drinking coffee on a chilly day and Korean song on the background.

Such a great day not to be grateful. Hot coffee to warm us up.

A mart (convenience store) on the island to provide your needs.

Artshop Imagine Nami is a must-visit for fans of Korea pop culture

Korea Pine Tree Lane, one of the five walking paths in the island.

The Famous Korean Soup at Nammoon Korean Restaurant.

We were even surprised that there are some spots on the island where you can borrow a book and find a perfect haven to indulge it. Such a great escape!

Although Nami Island claims to have its republic, it’s without a doubt a perfect paradise away. An outstanding place to enjoy nature and creativity, to chill out or read a great book. Plus, postcard-worthy! ♥

Travel Tips:

    • Go as early as you can. Visitors peaks the most at 10 am. If you feel like staying longer, you can book a night at Hotel Jeunggwanru. Most visitors are day visitors. You can harmonize with nature at night under the moon and stars when the lights are out.
    • Visit the island during Autumn and marvel a spectacular riot of colors of the leaves.

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TheTrialistOnline November 7, 2017 - 9:34 am

This definitely takes me back to Nami Island. Very detailed description and it gets me excited just reading about the things to do out there! Thanks for sharing ❤️

michgraune November 7, 2017 - 12:25 pm

Thank you! <3 It's amazing place to explore and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it! 🙂

phoenixraay November 8, 2017 - 1:40 am

Oh my gosh it sounds like such a cool place to explore! Thanks for sharing and giving ideas of what to do there! 🙂

michgraune November 8, 2017 - 2:28 am

You are welcome! I’m sure you will enjoy exploring and being one with nature in the island. Such a little gem stone away from Seoul. 🙂

marieadelyn January 4, 2018 - 3:22 pm

Woah love the details! Made me reminisce my trip to the island. Thanks for sharing ❤️

michgraune January 4, 2018 - 3:45 pm

Glad you enjoyed reading it! Nami Island is definitely the highlight of my Seoul trip. ☺️


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